
Showing posts from 2014

Thanks & Best Wishes for 2015 (#169)

This year 2014 is on its last legs.  Soon, it will be put to bed permanently. Then the year 2015 will awaken. What will it hold for you and me?  Only God knows! That’s why we need to keep in close contact with this Omnipotent (All Powerful), Omniscient (All Knowing) and Omnipresent (Always Present) God – the Lord Jesus Christ! I don’t know about you, but without His help, care, protection and provision, I would not have made it this year. I can recall being unwell on two occasions this year and I am thankful for the healing I received.  He truly is the Great Physician! I am thankful also for the many open doors for ministry this year.  Let me take the time to express heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the various churches/organizations which allowed me to minister the Gospel in song. Finally, to you my readers, please have a very prosperous and productive and Christ-centred 2015. I also wish many open doors for you in every area of your life!

Beautiful Simplicity (#168)

“The first Noel the angels did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay…” I was reminded of the raw simplicity of the first Christmas as the song “The First Noel” came to me at the start of my devotions this week. This spurred me to hammer out the tune on my keyboard.  The result?   An impromptu singing session! That is certainly “devotions set free!” As I was saying earlier, there was a raw simplicity to the first Christmas.  Here we have an ordinary Jewish couple chosen to parent the Christ Child; the birth proclaimed first to poor shepherds; a stable the place of birth; and the town, the small city of Bethlehem. Yes, there was a supernatural element: angelic choirs and visitations; kings from the East following a star which miraculously led to the place where the heavenly king was born. But there is an overarching simplicity about the events nevertheless. I call it beautiful simplicity.  A heavenly king born in a manger – simply aw

One In Christ (#167)

         “Christ has made peace between us. He has brought both Jews and non-Jews together into one people. He has broken down the wall that divided us.”                                                                           Ephesians 2:14 (NLT)   Why do we erect walls? To feel secure.  Nothing wrong with that; security is important.  Walls…gates…are necessary feature for properties, public or private. Well I recall the time we – my husbands and I were passing the home of a well-known family here in Barbados. As we neared the property we were hailed by a group of barking Dobermans jumping excitedly.  One in particular – young in age – was really intent on seeing us, but unfortunately, it was not as tall as the others.  So only its head could be seen bobbing up and down behind the wall!  A very funny sight indeed. Thank God for the barriers of separation which not only protect those on the inside, but in some cases, those on the outside as well! But there a

Seek and You Will Find! (#166)

“He is there and He cares  And before you call He’ll be there,  So trust in Him when things are dim  And you’ll make it over…”                From the song “Make it Over” © Kerina Hall When I was young (er!), I recall playing the game of hide–and-seek with my friends.  The goal of this popular game is never to be found. I remember the heart-stopping moments when the ‘seeker’ passed close to where you were hiding – how nerve-wrecking that was!  You were sure your rapid heartbeats could be heard! You know, God does not play hide-and-seek.  He wants us to find Him. This is what Jeremiah 29:13, 14 says, “ You will seek   me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.   I will be found by you,” declares the   Lord , “and will bring you back   from captivity…” Of course, you can get a better understanding of these verses by reading the whole chapter!  But whatever the circumstances that have you captive, God wants you to turn to Him with your entire

Let’s Remember (#165)

                  “Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done.  They wouldn’t wait for his counsel”     (Psalm 106:13)                                                                                                                     On Remembrance Day I had the privilege of watching the service live on television.   This is an event I anticipate every year. Again, it was thrilling to see the veterans marching with their still erect postures.   Of course, there is nothing romantic about war, but there is a special place in my heart for these old vets who have sacrificed so much for our country. Yes, we will remember them. Perhaps November should be dubbed the ‘Month of Remembering.’   For us here in Barbados it is also the celebration of our Independence. Etched in our collective memory is the event at the Garrison Savannah when the Union Jack was lowered and our Broken Trident was raised.  That was truly a celebration!  We were now an independent nation. Wh

Living the Great Life (#164)

I’m working in power, I’m working miracles I live a life of favor, ‘Cause I know who I am Take a look at me, I’m a wonder It doesn't matter what you see now Can you see His glory, ‘Cause I know who I am.                                                                 Sinach Some children at church (a future girls group, perhaps?) love to perform this song.  It is really a pleasure to see them sing and dramatize this popular song. It is obviously a song about identity.  Knowing who and whose you are in Christ. I am convinced that if we truly know who we are in Christ, we would attempt more for Him and experience a life of power, miracles and favour. So often we think that this life is only for the ‘greats among us.’  That only a select few deserve this king of life. But I disagree. When we live a life of humble service to God, using our gifts to help others, He does the miraculous.  He opens closed doors, and He gives us the power to accomp

Natural Boldness (#163)

                “…The righteous are as bold as a lion (Proverbs 28:1 KJV) These words came to mind as I observed a bird nest resting precariously on the base of my neighbour’s outdoor antenna. Hmmm… Apparently, birds are bold as well. I say this recalling the various battles I have had with birds attempting to build nests on the light fixtures in my patio. Also, there was the bird I noticed trying with all its might to pull the binding cord from a book in the library (former Coleridge Street location) presumable to finish its nest. And we have all seen sparrows trying to disfigure our mops. You know, one thing we could learn from birds is boldness and diligence.  They are small but undeterred in their quest for food and nesting material. …So, let’s be bold and strong, for the Lord our God is with us.  With His help what can we not do? ©Kerina Hall

For the Sake of Country (#162)

                It’s November. I can’t believe it! It’s the month Barbados celebrates Independence. Didn’t we do that…yesterday?  How did a year go by so swiftly? So here we are in November.  Already poppies are on sale.  And next Sunday I will enjoy viewing the Remember Day Service on television.  And I will also enjoy watching the war veterans march, which for me is the highlight of the parade. War is not pleasant; and we should appreciate all those who risk their lives for the sake of their country. It is a sacrifice that is noble and our vets deserve to be celebrated. My prayers are with those who remain, and their families Have you bought your poppy yet? ©Kerina Hall

From Elimination to Illumination (#161)

“All the way my Savior leads me, What have I to ask beside? Can I doubt His tender mercy, Who through life has been my Guide?”               - Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915 ) Those of you who have been my regular readers will know that I am a lover of contemporary songs, and that I also love hymns. I guess you can never get away from your past, can you?  I grew up hearing and loving the hymns of the Church. “All the Way My Savior Leads Me” is one of those hymns I love! The words are beautiful…and the message is so true! I can truly attest to the fact of God’s leading in my life.  And one of the ways He leads is by the process of elimination – a divine “No” to some of my requests. The doors which He has closed I have accepted, knowing that He knows best. But, the doors He has opened have brought illumination and knowledge about the direction in which He wants me to go. And, the thing is, when God opens a door, very often He flings it wide open, so

Nature’s Deli: Food on the Wing (#160)

I sat down for my morning devotions the other day.  Couldn’t make up my mind which book in the Bible to turn to…so I did what I always do. I casually looked out my window and observed God’s handiwork; and saw various creatures stopping in at “Nature’s Deli.” I marveled at this “fast food outlet” God has provided for His creatures. A determined and annoying love vine’s white flowers provided sweet nectar for bees, and  a beautiful humming bird which came back for 2nd’s and 3rd’s.  Yellow breasts got their fill from wine coloured pods of a flowering shrub.  And a ramier pigeon, not to be left out, flew by, bypassing its usual stop – my neighbours’s golden palms – making a “bird line” for a mango tree nearby. These observations really set the tone for my devotions.  I was reminded of God’s care and provision for His creation. If God could care for these creatures, how much more will He care for us? So Glad I stopped by Nature’s Deli! ©Kerina Hall

The Ultimate Rescue (#159)

As a writer, I’ve always loved dramatic scenes.   The triumph of good over evil is a familiar theme of stories. So imagine my excitement as I watched an episode of Superbook – yes, I know it’s a children’s cartoon – which dealt with the ultimate rescue mission: the glorious appearing of Jesus at the Battle of Armageddon.  This is the scene where Satan and his armies are gathered together along with the armies of the world who are opposed to Christ. All appears lost; then Christ appears riding on a white horse, just as Revelation 20 says.  And behind Him is a large army of angels! Victory is evident as Jesus using a sword complete annihilates Satan. What a scene!  It is the ultimate rescue mission for the children in the story. It also signals to us that there is hope for us; that there is power in the name, person and presence of Jesus Christ. And you can know and experience freedom now by believing in Him.  Yes, you can experience the ultimate rescue mis

For Good Spiritual Health – Pray! (#158)

Recently, someone told me that they prayed for me, and it reminded me of the importance of prayer. When people express appreciation for my music, after thanking them I always ask them to pray for me in return. It is simply impossible to do ministry without the help and direction of the Holy Spirit. Job prayed regularly for his children - what I call a preventative pray – in case they “ have sinned and have cursed God in their hearts” (Job 1:5b NIV). I think that prayer is vital for the following reasons: 1)     It is the first source of help we can offer to others and ourselves in difficult times. 2)     It is good preventative medicine, to ward off whatever… 3)   It lifts our burdens and brings instant peace knowing that Someone greater than you and me is in control of the situation. 4)     It yields results. I know you can think of other reasons why it’s good for your spiritual health. ©Kerina Hall

…In His Name (#157)

“…Holy devoted to live and to die For the sake of the Call...”                         Stephen Curtis Chapman I Take up my pen to write this post with a heavy heart, the words of Stephen Curtis Chapman’s “For the sake of the Call” ringing in my ears. The faces of suffering!  Those who are dying a martyr’s death for the sake of the Call – the Call of Christ. Persecution is not just a phenomenon of the early years of the church; it’s very much alive today.  Those who dare to proclaim the name of Christ and all His standards of righteousness are vilified for doing so. God help us all! For as time progresses more and more of us who are called by His name will have to draw a dividing line – will we remain silent or will we stand in and for the name and cause of Christ our Saviour. In the meantime, let’s continue to prayer for, and give 100% to those who are presently on the frontlines – standing for Him! ©Kerina Hall

Finding Your Centre (#156)

“We have an anchor that keeps the soul …Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.” What is your centre?  What holds you together when events in your life fall apart? These days we really need a centre that will hold - too many things threaten our security.  Things like life-threatening illnesses such as the host of non-communicable diseases so prevalent today. Also, there is the very real danger of being engulfed by financial difficulties – especially precipitated by chronic job layoffs.   In these days of global recession, job security here in Barbados is a real worry for many. If these are not enough there is also the ever possibility of hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc. Now my purpose here is not to present a menu of horrific possibilities to scare you.  But really, we all need to be prepared for life’s disasters. This is the reason many people invest in insurance policies – to sort of cushion the effects of the “what ifs” of life. May I g

24/7 Protection (#155)

There I was sitting, watching a programme on television when suddenly there was a loud boom coming from the direction of a room in my house. On my way to investigate the source of that noise the house was suddenly engulfed in darkness. A quick look outside revealed it was indeed district-wise. When the electricity finally returned hours later I discovered that the electricity in my music room was gone. I checked my surge protector and it too was ‘dead.’  Apparently, it had ‘given its life’ to protect the equipment that was plugged into it. I guess you can guess where I’m going with this illustration. Yes, it reminds me of the fact that long ago someone gave His life for me.  Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has saved me from eternal death.  It has placed me into the family of God where there are everlasting benefits and the rich resources of God’s Word to help me to live a life pleasing to Him. And, what’s more, I have 24/7 protection. ©Kerina Hal

Meditations on the Holy Spirit (#154)

A meditation on the Holy Spirit as we approach Pentecost.  From reading Ephesians 5:15-20, it would appear that the singing forth of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs are evidence of a Spirit-controlled life. “Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,   singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.   And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Perhaps the harmony of a Spirit filled life – a life lived in obedience to God, where the fruit of the Spirit are evident (love, joy, peace, self-controll, etc.) – is so real that it is reflected in songs of praise. Interestingly, those who have imbibed too much alcohol are known to break forth in ‘song’ as well.  But their ‘song’ is not the song of praise and thanksgiving! Spiritual songs, however, do flow from a life led and controlled by the Holy Spirit. 

Hope in Hard Times (#153)

A Bagettelle Green  Space, St. James, Barbados Here in Barbados we have been experiencing a prolonged spell of dry conditions.  Brown seems to be the prevailing colour – brown leaves, brown grass, etc. What is significant is that this is happening during the time when we usually get a lot of rain. However, one plant which seems to be faring well is the bougainvillea.  You would hardly know there are drought-like conditions by looking at the profusion of lovely flowers as you can see in the picture. Just goes to show that in the most dismal and trying situations, all is not lost; we can still have hope.  Faith in the Lord Jesus brings abundance of assurance that He will bring us through whatever trials we face. He makes the picture bright; He gives us hope in the present and in the future. Hope indeed, in these hard times. ©Kerina Hall