Let’s Remember (#165)

“Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done.  They wouldn’t wait for his counsel”    (Psalm 106:13)                                                                                                                    
On Remembrance Day I had the privilege of watching the service live on television.  This is an event I anticipate every year.

Again, it was thrilling to see the veterans marching with their still erect postures.  Of course, there is nothing romantic about war, but there is a special place in my heart for these old vets who have sacrificed so much for our country.

Yes, we will remember them.

Perhaps November should be dubbed the ‘Month of Remembering.’  For us here in Barbados it is also the celebration of our Independence.

Etched in our collective memory is the event at the Garrison Savannah when the Union Jack was lowered and our Broken Trident was raised.  That was truly a celebration!  We were now an independent nation.

What should also be etched in our collective memory is the presence of a merciful God who has blessed us as a nation.

He has seen us through difficult times.  Our forefathers were simple, yet industrious, and we stand on their shoulders today.

Let us not forget this God, who has been “our help in ages past;” and who is “our hope for years to come.”

©Kerina Hall


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