The Ultimate Rescue (#159)

As a writer, I’ve always loved dramatic scenes.  The triumph of good over evil is a familiar theme of stories.

So imagine my excitement as I watched an episode of Superbook – yes, I know it’s a children’s cartoon – which dealt with the ultimate rescue mission: the glorious appearing of Jesus at the Battle of Armageddon. 

This is the scene where Satan and his armies are gathered together along with the armies of the world who are opposed to Christ.

All appears lost; then Christ appears riding on a white horse, just as Revelation 20 says.  And behind Him is a large army of angels!

Victory is evident as Jesus using a sword complete annihilates Satan.

What a scene!  It is the ultimate rescue mission for the children in the story.

It also signals to us that there is hope for us; that there is power in the name, person and presence of Jesus Christ.

And you can know and experience freedom now by believing in Him.  Yes, you can experience the ultimate rescue mission!

©Kerina Hall


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