24/7 Protection (#155)

There I was sitting, watching a programme on television when suddenly there was a loud boom coming from the direction of a room in my house.

On my way to investigate the source of that noise the house was suddenly engulfed in darkness.

A quick look outside revealed it was indeed district-wise.

When the electricity finally returned hours later I discovered that the electricity in my music room was gone.

I checked my surge protector and it too was ‘dead.’  Apparently, it had ‘given its life’ to protect the equipment that was plugged into it.

I guess you can guess where I’m going with this illustration.

Yes, it reminds me of the fact that long ago someone gave His life for me.  Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross has saved me from eternal death.  It has placed me into the family of God where there are everlasting benefits and the rich resources of God’s Word to help me to live a life pleasing to Him.

And, what’s more, I have 24/7 protection.

©Kerina Hall


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