One In Christ (#167)

“Christ has made peace between us. He has brought both Jews and non-Jews together into one people. He has broken down the wall that divided us.”                                                                          Ephesians 2:14 (NLT)

 Why do we erect walls?

To feel secure.  Nothing wrong with that; security is important.  Walls…gates…are necessary feature for properties, public or private.

Well I recall the time we – my husbands and I were passing the home of a well-known family here in Barbados.

As we neared the property we were hailed by a group of barking Dobermans jumping excitedly.  One in particular – young in age – was really intent on seeing us, but unfortunately, it was not as tall as the others.  So only its head could be seen bobbing up and down behind the wall!  A very funny sight indeed.

Thank God for the barriers of separation which not only protect those on the inside, but in some cases, those on the outside as well!

But there are times when barriers are destructive.  I speak specifically of non-tangible or social barriers of prejudice, class, caste, or race.  These damage the psyche of those affected, and privilege those who erect them.

Thankfully, in the Church of Jesus Christ there are no privileged groups.  All are one in Christ, with the same rights and privileges.  Our value comes from the One who died for us and how He sees us.

Our earthly attainments, achievements, possessions do not validates us – Christ does!

©Kerina Hall


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