Nature’s Deli: Food on the Wing (#160)

I sat down for my morning devotions the other day.  Couldn’t make up my mind which book in the Bible to turn to…so I did what I always do.

I casually looked out my window and observed God’s handiwork; and saw various creatures stopping in at “Nature’s Deli.”

I marveled at this “fast food outlet” God has provided for His creatures.

A determined and annoying love vine’s white flowers provided sweet nectar for bees, and  a beautiful humming bird which came back for 2nd’s and 3rd’s. 

Yellow breasts got their fill from wine coloured pods of a flowering shrub.  And a ramier pigeon, not to be left out, flew by, bypassing its usual stop – my neighbours’s golden palms – making a “bird line” for a mango tree nearby.

These observations really set the tone for my devotions.  I was reminded of God’s care and provision for His creation.

If God could care for these creatures, how much more will He care for us?
So Glad I stopped by Nature’s Deli!

©Kerina Hall


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