Seek and You Will Find! (#166)

“He is there and He cares
 And before you call He’ll be there,
 So trust in Him when things are dim
 And you’ll make it over…”

               From the song “Make it Over” © Kerina Hall

When I was young (er!), I recall playing the game of hide–and-seek with my friends.  The goal of this popular game is never to be found.

I remember the heart-stopping moments when the ‘seeker’ passed close to where you were hiding – how nerve-wrecking that was!  You were sure your rapid heartbeats could be heard!

You know, God does not play hide-and-seek.  He wants us to find Him. This is what Jeremiah 29:13, 14 says,

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord, “and will bring you back from captivity…”

Of course, you can get a better understanding of these verses by reading the whole chapter!  But whatever the circumstances that have you captive, God wants you to turn to Him with your entire being; with your whole heart.

Watch Him turn your situation around as you seek and find Him!

©Kerina Hall


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