
Showing posts from 2013

“Jesus Take the Wheel” (#121)

It happened so suddenly.  There I was travelling along by public transport when the driver braked.  I was certain we were going to rear-end the hired car in front of us. Apparently the tourists in the car ahead stopped suddenly at a zebra crossing. Seems as if Jesus took the wheel of the vehicle I was in! …And all was well! I think, “Jesus take the wheel” is an appropriate theme for 2014.  We just don’t know what challenges will come our way. And if you’re like me you’ll pray that He’ll always take the wheel! ©Kerina Hall

Change: Embrace It! (#120)

“I’m doing this exactly the same way I did it before!” I was standing by the window of the apartment in which we lived years ago, when I heard the above words in an unmistakable clipped British accent. Baffled, I looked up and saw a rope dangling followed by a pair of legs.  Who was this? I wondered – apparently a combination of James Bond and Indiana Jones looking remarkable like my neighbours’s son! From his explanation to his accomplice, I realized that this was obviously not his first expedition from his patio above to the front yard below. Hmm… I’m sure it wasn’t his last one! Now why am I recalling this incident at the close of another year?  A case of déjà-vu? Each year we repeat the same things over and over; we make resolutions, have great aspirations – things we want to do or accomplish. Here’s a question to ponder – do we want to do everything exactly the same way we did last year? It’s amazing how we fall into patterns of doing thing

My Christmas Joy (#119)

Well how was it – your Christmas? Did you enjoy the celebration or did you get lost in the trappings?  Hope you were able to see beyond the tinsel, the glitter and the merrymaking that the real gift is Jesus Christ.  He is the focus-point of Christmas. Hope you were able to wrap Him in your heart this Christmas. This Christmas for me was meaningful, reflective, and enjoyable. I did not engage in many of the usual rituals, but my enjoyment came from the simple things – re-reading the Christmas story and experiencing all over again the joy of the wise men, the shepherds, the angels, Mary and Joseph, Simeon, and Anna the prophetess. I also spent time with family, reminiscing on old times and laughing at old, but not worn, family jokes – it was wonderful! Christmas morning found me in church for the 5:00 a.m. service.  It was a joy to minister one of my songs – “Celebrate Messiah King.” So…we look to the New Year and we look to God for His blessings, for His

Spirit-filled Christmas (#118)

“On a morning like this I will be dancing I am ready to go Come let’s adore Him…!"               Christmas Morning                 ©kerina Hall Tomorrow is Christmas Day! I hope you will be going to church to give thanks and “adore Him” – Christ the Lord. Hopefully by now all your work has been done – shopping etc. and you are prepared to enjoy the day. So wherever you are I wish you the joys and peace of the season.  May you enjoy your various celebrations with friends and family, whatever form they may take. Please remember in prayer those who are hurting at this time and may have lost loved ones and friends.  Christmas can indeed be a difficult time of year for some. So from my house to yours – do have a safe, enjoyable and Spirit-filled Christmas. See you next post – December 27 th . ©Kerina Hall

Praise Song 4 – What Keeps Me Smiling! (#117)

“It’s Christmas morn When Christ was born The joy in my heart Keeps me smiling…”               Christmas Morning              ©kerina Hall Christmas – the time which makes us smile. As a child we all looked forward to Christmas.  It really made us smile in anticipation of the presents we would receive. Plus there are so many wonderful memories and aromas associated with this special season. Who can forget the wonderful unique smell of imported pine trees?  Great smell, but difficult to clean after a few days when they stared to shed their brown needles. And what about the Christmas delicacies – ham, great-cake; then there was the refreshing sorrel drink.  These and many more things are part of our childhood memories.  Of course, we still have these things today but during childhood they were extra special. Traditions like these are very significant, but there is a much deeper significance which characterizes this season – and it has to do with havin

Praise Song 3 – The Song Goes On! (#116)

Here we go again – I’m still musing on Mary’s praise song. I’ve discovered yet again it’s really all about Him – God.  What He has done. Have you noticed all the pronouns which point to God in Mary’s song? (Luke 1:46-56 NLT) He took notice of his lowly servant girl… (v48) He has done great things for me (v49) He shows mercy from generation to generation (v50) His mighty arm has done tremendous things! (v51) He has helped his servant Israel (v54) He made this promise to our ancestors (v55) Now can you imagine what Mary and Elizabeth were talking about during the three months they spent together? It’s not difficult to guess! ©Kerina Hall

Praise Song 2 – Get Inspired! (#115)

As a poet/songwriter, I am always intrigued by the source and process of inspiration. What triggers a poem or song? Hmm… For me, it may be a variety of things: another song, a given theme, a message, an occasion. As a Christian it’s not really the ‘what’ , but the ‘who’ . Let me divert here and use an example from yesterday’s edition of the Christmas Reading Plan in my husband’s His World Digital Blog . Luke 1:39-49 tells us that a pregnant Mary visits an also pregnant Elizabeth.  At the sound of her (Mary’s) greeting two things happened: Elizabeth’s baby (John), filled with the Holy Ghost jumps for joy (v44) and Elizabeth, herself also filled with the Spirit, makes an inspired declaration to Mary: “You are blessed by God above all other women, and your child is blessed” (v42). The inspiration is really flowing and continues with Mary’s praise song about God’s goodness and favour to her (vv46-55). Talk about inspiration…! There is no greater s

Praise Song (#114)

“…Oh , how my soul praises the Lord.  How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!  For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed” (Luke 1:46-48). Those of you who have been following my husband’s “Christmas Reading Plan 2013” (see His World Digital Blog ) will encounter the verse above. It is the first verse of what is termed “The Magnificat” – Mary’s praise song to God.  It has always been a favourite portion of Scripture. The fine poetry aside, it really focuses on the fact that Mary is blessed because of what God has done to and for her. But Mary is not the only one who has been the recipient of God’s blessings and favour. We have been, too.   We are continually blessed and favoured by God. So how can we apply what Mary says in “The Manificat” to our own lives? You too can offer your own praise song to God! ©Kerina Hall

Good News (#113)

“ But the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.   The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David! ”   ( Luke 2:10, 11 NLT). This announcement by the angel to the shepherds tending their sheep was startling, intriguing and exciting. To think that the long promised Messiah was indeed born in their generation.  What good news!  But what implications did this announcement hold for their nation under the rule of Rome?  Would this be the hour of their deliverance?  We too could do with some good news in our time. As we approach the end of another year, the gloomy economic forecast looms ahead.  There are planned layoffs for some three thousand public workers! Is it possible to celebrate Christmas in such an atmosphere? I believe it is possible, and also necessary to do so. Christmas is about the coming of a Saviour into the lives of people

The Christmas Gift Brings Excitement (#112)

How will you be spending Christmas this year? Hmm… It’s funny – we spend so much time, energy and money for that big day.  We shop ‘till we drop; and buy things we don’t really need. Then, what happens?  Christmas Day comes and goes; just like that, it’s all over! Yes, I must admit, Christmas is an exciting time.  I think the excitement is more palpable when the spending is focused on others.  Like buying presents for those who really need and appreciate them. Now that I think about it, God must have been excited when He gave us His Son that first Christmas. If you think that the recipients of the first Christmas gift– Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds etc. – were excited and thrilled, just imagine the joy God felt knowing the purpose He had designed, the salvation of mankind, was being manifested in the Christ Child. So, how will you be spending Christmas this year? Hopefully, reflecting on and accepting God’s gift to us that first Christmas. So, wha

Christmas Morning in Queen's Park (#111)

One of our local traditions here in Barbados is to go to Queen’s Park after the 5:00 a.m. church service. People usually put on their very best clothes and there is a concert by  the Police Band of Barbados and  local gospel group, Promise.  If you are a visitor to Barbados these two events are not to be missed (5:00 a.m. service and the concert)! ©Kerina Hall

Random Christmas Greetings (#110)

Just thought I’d take a moment to “shout out” those of you who consistently read this blog. I don’t know who you are but thanks for your presence here throughout the year.  I really appreciate it! So right now, today, Christmas Greetings , and a Happy and Blessed New Year to my friends in USA, Malaysia, Russia, Germany, Barbados, etc. God bless all of you and thanks again! My prayer is that you will come to know, trust and serve (if you haven’t done so yet) the Christ of Christmas. Knowing Him goes beyond being involved in a religion; it is entering into a relationship which is enduring and immensely satisfying.  I can personally attest to this! I have been a Christian for over 25 years and it has really changed my life.  But it all begins with accepting the Christ of Christmas into your heart, receiving His forgiveness and allowing Him to chart your life. It’s that simple; it really is. ©Kerina Hall

My Latest Single – "Christmas Morning" (#109)

“On a morning like this darkness surrounds me, But the light of His love shines bright within me. I’m singing glory to God for His salvation, Let the praises ring out from every nation!” My newly released single, Christmas Morning , captures the joy and excellence of a Christmas tradition here in Barbados: attending Christmas morning service at 5:00 in the morning! There is just something special about getting ready while it is still dark and making your way to church. The song is done in the spouge genre, an indigenous Barbadian rhythm; and has been released to the radio stations. You can request it.  Or you can get your copy of Christmas Morning  by emailing me at ©Kerina Hall

Proud Bajan – Marching for Jesus (# 108)

Now this flame burns again As I witness bands on parade Men, women, boys and girls In uniforms smartly displayed Filled with pride, I cannot hide I’m marching inwardly…                   Excerpt from " The Flame" by kerina Hall The Independence Day Parade is the highlight, the icing on the cake – if you will – event of the Independence celebrations. I go every year.  I take photos every year.  I love the spectacle of uniformed bands, the excitement of the crowd as they wait the appearance of each detachment. These detachments represent order and unity in a world of chaos and fragmentation. On a spiritual level, it reminds me that we can aspire to something greater.  We can indeed live disciplined and holy lives by being a part of God’s great army. Becoming a Christian and having a relationship with God makes this possible. Then, we can join with others and march for Him! ©Kerina Hall

Proud Bajan – Represent! (#107)

God bless Bim on Independence Day   Independence Day   Independence Day   God bless Bim on Independence Day   God bless Bim we hope and pray   This little little island in the middle of the sea   In the middle of the sea   In the Caribbean sea   This little little island in the middle of the sea   It means the world to me . One of our folk songs.  This brings back memories of school days.  We would sing this song every time Independence came around. Indeed, we depend on God’s blessings as a nation.  We can and should never forget Him. Our island has been through its ups and downs, but with His help we have been able to weather the storms – natural and otherwise. Speaking of storms, ‘Hurricane Janet’ in 1955 was one storm which caused major damage.  At that time weather forecasting was not what it is today.  So many were caught off-guard when it arrived. But we managed to survive and rebuild as a nation. And we would survive other ‘storms’ as well.

Proud Bajan – Conkies…!!! (#106)

Conkies – the Bajan delicacy I wait all year for!  O, for a conkie! To the uninitiated, a conkie is a local delicacy we make at Independence. It is a concoction of corn flour, coconut (grated), pumpkin, sweet potato, milk, butter, raisins, sugar, spice, nutmeg… These ingredients are mixed together and portions are placed on a piece of a banana leaf, which is then folded.  They are then steamed in a saucepan over stems of the banana leaves. There is nothing so sweet as a conkie.  As we say in Barbados, “For real!” Just thinking about it makes my taste buds water.  Banana tree here I come!! ©Kerina Hall

Proud Bajan 4 – Pride of Barbados (#105)

The flower you see above is the National Flower of Barbados.  It is called “The Pride of Barbados.” According to Graham Gooding in Wayside Trees and Shrubs of Barbados it was introduced to the island as early as 1657. Our pride has been around for a long time! Pride often has a negative connotation, meaning puffed-up or arrogant. The Bible informs us that pride goes before a fall.  That’s the unhealthy kind of pride – the kind we don’t need in this island of ours. But pride can be positive as well.  It can mean having pleasure in something good and wholesome.  Like pride in one’s country; and this is demonstrated in one’s loyalty to it, and a commitment to be a good citizen. Yes indeed!  Pride can be beautiful! ©Kerina Hall

Proud Bajan 3 – God at the Controls (#104)

First Prime Minister Errol Walton  Barrow Sir Grantley Adams          "God’s will was done by  mortal man             b ut he had lit the fire.”                                 The Flame by Kerina Hall Two men who made significant contributions to the development of Barbados are undoubtedly Sir Grantley Adams and Errol Walton Barrow.  The former was the first Premier of Barbados; and the latter, the first Prime Minister and regarded as the “Father of Independence.” Of course they are not the only heroes recognized by our nation.  Eight others are also celebrated on Heroes Day here in Barbados. In the case for Independence from Britain, it was the contention of Mr. Barrow that this nation should no longer “…be found loitering on Colonial Offices' premises after closing time” ( The Life and Times of Errol Barrow by Peter Morgan, p.69).  Hence, the drive toward independence, toward nationhood. But whatever the human element I firm