Proud Bajan 4 – Pride of Barbados (#105)

The flower you see above is the National Flower of Barbados. It is called “The Pride of Barbados.”

According to Graham Gooding in Wayside Trees and Shrubs of Barbados it was introduced to the island as early as 1657.

Our pride has been around for a long time!

Pride often has a negative connotation, meaning puffed-up or arrogant.

The Bible informs us that pride goes before a fall.  That’s the unhealthy kind of pride – the kind we don’t need in this island of ours.

But pride can be positive as well.  It can mean having pleasure in something good and wholesome.  Like pride in one’s country; and this is demonstrated in one’s loyalty to it, and a commitment to be a good citizen.

Yes indeed!  Pride can be beautiful!

©Kerina Hall


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