Change: Embrace It! (#120)

“I’m doing this exactly the same way I did it before!”

I was standing by the window of the apartment in which we lived years ago, when I heard the above words in an unmistakable clipped British accent.

Baffled, I looked up and saw a rope dangling followed by a pair of legs.  Who was this? I wondered – apparently a combination of James Bond and Indiana Jones looking remarkable like my neighbours’s son!

From his explanation to his accomplice, I realized that this was obviously not his first expedition from his patio above to the front yard below.


I’m sure it wasn’t his last one!

Now why am I recalling this incident at the close of another year?  A case of déjà-vu?

Each year we repeat the same things over and over; we make resolutions, have great aspirations – things we want to do or accomplish.

Here’s a question to ponder – do we want to do everything exactly the same way we did last year?

It’s amazing how we fall into patterns of doing things which are comfortable, for a time, but which may hinder our growth and development.

I believe God wants us to improve, and so allows us to experience change in one way or another to facilitate this.

This may well be our experience in this coming year.

Embrace it!

©Kerina Hall


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