Proud Bajan – Marching for Jesus (# 108)

Now this flame burns again
As I witness bands on parade
Men, women, boys and girls
In uniforms smartly displayed

Filled with pride, I cannot hide
I’m marching inwardly…
                 Excerpt from "The Flame" by kerina Hall

The Independence Day Parade is the highlight, the icing on the cake – if you will – event of the Independence celebrations.

I go every year.  I take photos every year.  I love the spectacle of uniformed bands, the excitement of the crowd as they wait the appearance of each detachment.

These detachments represent order and unity in a world of chaos and fragmentation.

On a spiritual level, it reminds me that we can aspire to something greater.  We can indeed live disciplined and holy lives by being a part of God’s great army.

Becoming a Christian and having a relationship with God makes this possible.

Then, we can join with others and march for Him!

©Kerina Hall


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