Proud Bajan 3 – God at the Controls (#104)

First Prime Minister Errol Walton  Barrow
Sir Grantley Adams

         "God’s will was done by  mortal man 
           but he had lit the fire.”
                               The Flame by Kerina Hall

Two men who made significant contributions to the development of Barbados are undoubtedly Sir Grantley Adams and Errol Walton Barrow.  The former was the first Premier of Barbados; and the latter, the first Prime Minister and regarded as the “Father of Independence.”

Of course they are not the only heroes recognized by our nation.  Eight others are also celebrated on Heroes Day here in Barbados.

In the case for Independence from Britain, it was the contention of Mr. Barrow that this nation should no longer “…be found loitering on Colonial Offices' premises after closing time” (The Life and Times of Errol Barrow by Peter Morgan, p.69).  Hence, the drive toward independence, toward nationhood.

But whatever the human element I firmly believe that God was behind this independence drive, and ultimately, the development of our island.

So here we are standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before.

Here we stand as a nation thankful that we serve a God who can be credited for the great strides we have made as an independent state.

As Daniel 4:17 says “…the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will…”

Yes, I believe the drive toward independence was of divine origin – God working through human vessels.

©Kerina Hall


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