My Christmas Joy (#119)

Well how was it – your Christmas?

Did you enjoy the celebration or did you get lost in the trappings?  Hope you were able to see beyond the tinsel, the glitter and the merrymaking that the real gift is Jesus Christ.  He is the focus-point of Christmas.

Hope you were able to wrap Him in your heart this Christmas.

This Christmas for me was meaningful, reflective, and enjoyable.

I did not engage in many of the usual rituals, but my enjoyment came from the simple things – re-reading the Christmas story and experiencing all over again the joy of the wise men, the shepherds, the angels, Mary and Joseph, Simeon, and Anna the prophetess.

I also spent time with family, reminiscing on old times and laughing at old, but not worn, family jokes – it was wonderful!

Christmas morning found me in church for the 5:00 a.m. service.  It was a joy to minister one of my songs – “Celebrate Messiah King.”

So…we look to the New Year and we look to God for His blessings, for His favour, for His anointing.  We look for more open doors for ministry.

Yes…we look to God…

©Kerina Hall


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