Praise Song 4 – What Keeps Me Smiling! (#117)

“It’s Christmas morn
When Christ was born
The joy in my heart
Keeps me smiling…”
             Christmas Morning
             ©kerina Hall

Christmas – the time which makes us smile.

As a child we all looked forward to Christmas.  It really made us smile in anticipation of the presents we would receive.

Plus there are so many wonderful memories and aromas associated with this special season.

Who can forget the wonderful unique smell of imported pine trees?  Great smell, but difficult to clean after a few days when they stared to shed their brown needles.

And what about the Christmas delicacies – ham, great-cake; then there was the refreshing sorrel drink.  These and many more things are part of our childhood memories.  Of course, we still have these things today but during childhood they were extra special.

Traditions like these are very significant, but there is a much deeper significance which characterizes this season – and it has to do with having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

You see, without His entrance into this world and giving His life, there would be no reason to celebrate.

But, I am so glad that He did!  Now that makes me smile. “It keeps me smiling.”

©Kerina Hall


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