Spirit-filled Christmas (#118)

“On a morning like this
I will be dancing
I am ready to go
Come let’s adore Him…!"
             Christmas Morning
                ©kerina Hall

Tomorrow is Christmas Day!

I hope you will be going to church to give thanks and “adore Him” – Christ the Lord.

Hopefully by now all your work has been done – shopping etc. and you are prepared to enjoy the day.

So wherever you are I wish you the joys and peace of the season.  May you enjoy your various celebrations with friends and family, whatever form they may take.

Please remember in prayer those who are hurting at this time and may have lost loved ones and friends.  Christmas can indeed be a difficult time of year for some.

So from my house to yours – do have a safe, enjoyable and Spirit-filled Christmas.
See you next post – December 27th.

©Kerina Hall


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