Random Christmas Greetings (#110)

Just thought I’d take a moment to “shout out” those of you who consistently read this blog.

I don’t know who you are but thanks for your presence here throughout the year.  I really appreciate it!

So right now, today, Christmas Greetings, and a Happy and Blessed New Year to my friends in USA, Malaysia, Russia, Germany, Barbados, etc.

God bless all of you and thanks again!

My prayer is that you will come to know, trust and serve (if you haven’t done so yet) the Christ of Christmas.

Knowing Him goes beyond being involved in a religion; it is entering into a relationship which is enduring and immensely satisfying.  I can personally attest to this!

I have been a Christian for over 25 years and it has really changed my life.  But it all begins with accepting the Christ of Christmas into your heart, receiving His forgiveness and allowing Him to chart your life.

It’s that simple; it really is.

©Kerina Hall


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