Hymns of Nostalgia (#66)

Recently, while thumbing through an old hymn book, I was swept away by a wave of nostalgia.  I was transported back in time to childhood as I encountered the hymns of yesteryear.
I became reacquainted with names like D Otis Teasley, Daniel S. Warner, Barney E. Warren, Charles W. Naylor and Andrew L. Byer – all hymn writers whose songs have really blessed me.
Songs, like photos, surely evoke memories.  These songs reminded me of my early days in the Church of God Reformation movement. (Back then to us it was simply referred to as “The Church of God.”)
What beautiful lyrics comprise these hymns of yesteryear.  Take for example, “I Know In My Heart What It Means” by D. Otis Teasley,
“When I read how my Savior was nailed to the cross
For the sins of the world to atone,
O I feel so unworthy such suff’ring and loss,
For I know in my heart what it means.”

“I know in my heart what it means,
Salvation, that word so divine;
His Spirit has witnessed to mine,
And I know in my heart what it means”

The chorus for me is significant.  I can still hear my aunt’s tenor filling in the “So clearly to mine” part.  Whenever we sang that hymn I would listen for her voice.
I think those of us who have been blessed by this rich heritage of hymn singing should be thankful for this great legacy.  Hymns convey the beauty of the Gospel.  And they are theologically sound as well!
We are all the richer for them!
©Kerina Hall

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