Devotion! Devotion! Devotion! - Write...Right Now! (#18)

“Write, then, the things you see, both the things that are now and the things that will happen afterward” (Revelation 1:19 Good News).

In a previous post, I spoke of the important of devotion.  Today, I want to focus on another aspect – that of writing or journaling your devotions.

So…let’s look at the “What” and the “Why”

What is journaling?
This is simply writing down (preferable in a dedicated prayer or devotional book) your thoughts, prayers, answers to prayers, inspired revelations, etc. which occur during your special time with God.  The length of these thoughts will obviously depend on the time you spend in devotion.

In my time of devotion I will usually focus on a portion of scripture and then write my thoughts about it.  I will also end my devotion by writing a prayer.

This, of course, does not mean you can’t pray after you’ve written your prayer.  I mean, you can’t ever overdose on prayer!

Why journal?
I can think of two reasons.
1.    Practical                                                                                                      

a.    Writing helps to clarify, organize and express your thoughts.
b.    Writing helps to chronicle events (you must therefore write the date of your devotion).  Suppose for example, you are praying about an up-coming event, you will have a visible record to which to refer.  (This is especially helpful if you have an aging brain like mine!)

2.    Spiritual

Not only is it practical, but it is a testimony.  When you see how God has answered your prayers in the past, you’ll want to trust Him to do so in the future.

So, get busy writing those devotions right now, yes write now!  I promise you God will unleash more thoughts than you will be able to write.

©Kerina Hall


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