Devotion! Devotion! Devotion! (#14)

Where does inspiration come from?  The Holy Spirit.

When does inspiration come?  At various times.  Mainly during my devotion time.

There is something special about this time with God.  It is when God has your complete attention and He just reveals Himself to you in various ways.

Many of my poems have been written after reading inspiring passages of scripture.  It is also where I’ve gotten the ideas for songs – sometimes both lyrics and melody!  I’ve even gotten ideas for my blog posts during my devotion time.

Devotion is also the time where you focus on, and pray about, not just your needs, but the needs of others; situations you are concerned about; and things in your life you are convicted about.

It is really not to be missed.  For anyone in any kind of ministry it is a “must.”

Yes, devotion is where it’s at!

©Kerina Hall


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