Devotions! Devotions! Devotions! – Confession. (#20)

“Holy Spirit, purify my heart,
Fan within me the flame of Your Love.” – Kerina Hall

Confession.  Not a word we like to think about, but so necessary in the context of devotions.  You see, sin separates us from a holy God, and if our one-on-one time with Him is filled with guilt from unconfessed sin, we can never be comfortable and may even avoid this time altogether.

But, this need not be the case. 

First of all, God invites us to come to Him.  (Would you believe my eyes have just fallen on these words in my Bible: “Let Us Come Near to God.”  It’s the heading to Hebrew 10: 19-39 in the Good News Translation.  I encourage you to read and memorize verse 22.)  Here is an invitation we should readily and willingly accept.

Second, confession brings release from anxiety and freedom from stress.

Third, confession implies trust.   You wouldn't confess to any and everyone would you?  Only to someone who is discreet and trustworthy.

Fourth, confession allows you to ask for help from the person who is best able to help - God.

It is vitally important that our relationship with God is not compromised in any way.

Confession ensures that.  It's not enjoyable or easy, but it's necessary.  It's worth it!

For God encourages us in 1John 1:9:  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (KJV).

©Kerina Hall


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