Putting and Keeping the Cat Out (#21)

Neither give place to the devil.”  (Ephesians 4:27)
One of my all-time favourite cartoons is The Flintstones – an old cartoon about a pre-historic family.  Does anyone out there remember this cartoon?

It was really hilarious.  But, I especially like the end of the cartoon when the credits are rolling and Fred tries to put the cat out.  I say “try” because the cat keeps jumping back in through the  open window.

Well, unexpectedly the cat turns the table and this time puts Fred out and shuts the door!  Fred is left banging on the door and shouting for his wife Wilma.  Really hilarious!

But on a serious note.  We are also like Fred Flintstone.  As Christians, the “cats” in our lives are sinful practices we allow to creep back in because we have not closed the entrances – the doors and the windows.

Yes we pray and ask forgiveness but then place ourselves in situations, and associations, that allow these habits an entrance.  It’s really not about how strong we are, but how wise we are.                                           

If, for example, we have an addiction it would be wise to stay away from anything or anyone that would encourage that addiction.                
As Christians, we are all involved in some aspect of ministry and we really cannot afford to encourage sin of any kind.                                

Putting the “cat” out and keeping him it out therefore requires prayer, as well as accountability to someone else.  It also requires that we exercise personal responsibility.

©Kerina Hall


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