Worship From Within (#19)

"I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and it's all about you, it’s all about you Jesus " - Matt Redmond

Circa.1977.    There we were in a lively worship service. Tambourines beating rhythmically; musicians playing to a sweet calypso beat; our youthful voices blending together in the singing of a "hot" worship chorus - worship Caribbean style!!

Then, suddenly, “just so”, as we say in Barbados, there was instant pitch-black darkness!  No electricity.  An apparent district-wide power outage to blame.

Well, the singing and tambourine beating continued unabated while some persons hurried to find candles. I'll never forget the cozy atmosphere provided by the glow of the candles as  we sang, and sang, and sang!   And then sang some more!

You see, we were singing from deep within, using our God-given instruments:  our voices and our instruments of ten strings - our hands.

You know, these type of circumstances help us to recognise *What [really] Matters Most.  On this occasion it was our praise and adoration to God that was the most important thing, not the loss of electricity.                                

Later, when the power was restored we were already “praised up”; our praise had risen to another level!  Jesus Christ was indeed the focus of our worship; it was really all about Him!

So this Sunday, as we go to our various places of worship, let's remember to focus on Him and really worship from within. Take your praise to "infinity"  level.   And keep those tambourines rolling!

©Kerina Hall

*My album title


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