The Best Life (# 99)

“I  will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.” Psalms 32:8 NLT

The best life.

Is it really possible to live the best life these days?

What with an economy which has “flipped-flopped,” increasing crime, rampant diseases, a world seemingly out of control; an uncertain future?

Can we really live the best life?

I came across the verse above while doing devotions and thought I would share it with you.

I don’t know what challenges you may be facing but I firmly believe that God has your welfare at heart.  He has a vested interest in your life and everything that concerns you.

He will give advice and encouragement to you if you only ask.

This is a personal promise to you.  Just place your hands in His and He will guide you.

I’ve tried it.  It works.  It is working…

He’s helping me to live the best life!

©Kerina Hall


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