Proud Bajan 2 – Reflecting the Pride (#103)

National Pledge of Barbados
I pledge allegiance to my country Barbados
and to my flag,
To uphold and defend their honour,
And by my living to do credit
to my nation wherever I go.

                                                                                                                                                           (Author of Pledge, Lester Vaughn)

Last post I shared the words of the National Anthem.  Above are the words of our Pledge.

These words highlight the fact that we are not merely individuals – doing our own thing, but really are part of a collective.  We are citizens of the country Barbados.

As such we are representative of our country and by our actions our country is assessed by others.

A sobering though, as we celebrate Independence.

God help us to really reflect our pride in a positive manner.

©Kerina Hall


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