Celebrating Our Veterans (# 100)

No doubt about it.

I am a parade person.  So here in Barbados the month of November is special to me because there are two significant celebrations which involve – you guessed it – parades!

The first event, Remembrance Day, is annually observed on the second Sunday in November.  The other is Independence Day on November 30.

For me the first event is a prelude to the other.

On Remembrance Day I am torn between two conflicting emotions.  Yes, I enjoy the parading bands but there is sadness as I remember those who lost their lives in the wars and the severe loss felt by their families.

I am very touched as I view my favourite band on parade – the Barbados Legion, those soldiers who served in the wars.

For me this is the highlight of the ceremony.  Apart from the wreath-laying ceremony, seeing those old vets march onto and off the parade square makes my day.

Yesterday there was one of them, bent slightly, but still determined to march.  The rest of them, despite their senior years, were equally determined to march erectly.

These old vets are to be celebrated.  Those who lost their lives in battle also deserve to be remembered and hailed as heroes.

What an inspiration to us all!

©Kerina Hall


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