Truth or Expediency (# 91)


                             “…All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true.”
                       “What is truth?” Pilate asked.  (John 18: 37b – 38a)

Political correctness is the name of the game.  At least for Pontius Pilate.

His concern was not an innocent man’s freedom but pleasing, or should I say, “cooling down” the religious leaders and an angry mob.

The scene of course, is the trial of Jesus – first before Caiaphas the Jewish High Priest, then before Pilate.

Pilate on his own admission acknowledged the innocence of Jesus.  “He is not guilty of any crime (v38).  Yet he acquiesces to the angry mob.

And, as always, truth is sacrificed on the altar of expediency.

But what is truth, you ask.

Truth is something which has no price, it is nonnegotiable.  It is a noble virtue.  It is worth dying for.

Jesus could have lied and denied His identity, and His purpose for coming to earth.  But He didn’t.  He died for the truth.  Pilate lived with a guilty conscience.

So which do you prefer – truth or expediency?

©Kerina Hall


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