Faith…From A Distance (# 90)

All these faithful ones died without receiving what God had promised them, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed the promises of God”(Hebrew 11:13a, NLT).

I will never forget my entry into the University of the West Indies.  At the orientation exercise Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, who is now the Principal, gave a very inspiring speech.  And I distinctly remember these words:
“Graduation is a very spiritual moment…”

These words would echo in my ear throughout my four years at UWI.

But more importantly was the conviction and assurance that God would see me through those years of study.  And He did.

You see, I saw myself graduating with my degree from a distance.  But that was not all; I moved in the direction of my degree.

I did – with God’s help – what was needed to be done to get there.  I tried to hand in assignments on time; I spent long hours preparing for exams, etc. – the usual UWI ‘rigour!’

I realize now in hindsight that I exercised faith from a distance.  And you can too.

Hope this helps you in some way.

©Kerina Hall


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