The Real “Us” (# 94)

Who are we underneath the facade we present to the world?


Who are we really underneath the physical layers of make-up, fashionable clothing, ‘App-ening’ gadgets, etc?

Who are we behind the happy smiles, and serene facades we present to colleagues and friends?

Who can ever know the real “us?”

God can.  God does.

The real “us” is who we are when no one is around.  The real “us” emerges in stressful situations – those times when we are very vulnerable.

People may have false perceptions of who we are, but God knows the real “us.”  As Matt Redmond says in his song, “Heart of Worship”:

“You search much deeper within,
Than the way things appear,
You’re looking into my heart”

Wouldn't you like to spend time with God who knows the real you and yet loves you unconditionally – flaws and all?

I would.  I do.

©Kerina Hall


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