
Showing posts from July, 2012

Putting and Keeping the Cat Out (#21)

“ Neither give place to the devil.”   (Ephesians 4:27) One of my all-time favourite cartoons is The Flintstones – an old cartoon about a pre-historic family.   Does anyone out there remember this cartoon? It was really hilarious.   But, I especially like the end of the cartoon when the credits are rolling and Fred tries to put the cat out.   I say “try” because the cat keeps jumping back in through the  open window. Well, unexpectedly the cat turns the table and this time puts Fred out and shuts the door!   Fred is left banging on the door and shouting for his wife Wilma.   Really hilarious! But on a serious note.   We are also like Fred Flintstone.   As Christians, the “cats” in our lives are sinful practices we allow to creep back in because we have not closed the entrances – the doors and the windows. Yes we pray and ask forgiveness but then place ourselves in situations, and associations, that allow these habits an entrance.   It’s really not about

Devotions! Devotions! Devotions! – Confession. (#20)

“Holy Spirit, purify my heart, Fan within me the flame of Your Love.” – Kerina Hall Confession.   Not a word we like to think about, but so necessary in the context of devotions.  You see, sin separates us from a holy God, and if our one-on-one time with Him is filled with guilt from unconfessed sin, we can never be comfortable and may even avoid this time altogether. But, this need not be the case.  First of all, God invites us to come to Him.   (Would you believe my eyes have just fallen on these words in my Bible: “Let Us Come Near to God.”   It’s the heading to Hebrew 10: 19-39 in the Good News Translation .   I encourage you to read and memorize verse 22.)   Here is an invitation we should readily and willingly accept. Second, confession brings release from anxiety and freedom from stress. Third, confession implies trust.   You wouldn't confess to any and everyone would you?  Only to someone who is discreet and trustworthy. Fourth, confession allo

Worship From Within (#19)

"I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and it's all about you, it’s all about you Jesus " - M att Redmond Circa.1977.    There we were in a lively worship service. Tambourines beating rhythmically; musicians playing to a sweet calypso beat; our youthful voices blending together in the singing of a "hot" worship chorus - worship Caribbean style!! Then, suddenly, “just so”, as we say in Barbados, there was instant pitch-black darkness!  No electricity.  An apparent district-wide power outage to blame. Well, the singing and tambourine beating continued unabated while some persons hurried to find candles. I'll never forget the cozy atmosphere provided by the glow of the candles as  we sang, and sang, and sang!   And then sang some more! You see, we were singing from deep within, using our God-given instruments:  our voices and our instruments of ten strings - our hands. You know, these type of circumstances help us to recognise

Devotion! Devotion! Devotion! - Write...Right Now! (#18)

“Write, then, the things you see, both the things that are now and the things that will happen afterward” (Revelation 1:19 Good News). In a previous post, I spoke of the important of devotion.   Today, I want to focus on another aspect – that of writing or journaling your devotions. So…let’s look at the “What” and the “Why” What is journaling? This is simply writing down (preferable in a dedicated prayer or devotional book) your thoughts, prayers, answers to prayers, inspired revelations, etc. which occur during your special time with God.   The length of these thoughts will obviously depend on the time you spend in devotion. In my time of devotion I will usually focus on a portion of scripture and then write my thoughts about it.   I will also end my devotion by writing a prayer. This, of course, does not mean you can’t pray after you’ve written your prayer.   I mean, you can’t ever overdose on prayer! Why journal? I can think of two reasons. 1.

Quick and Easy Bajan Tuna Medley (#17)

Ingredients Can Tuna (chunks in water) Oil for frying Raisins  Corn Onion (chopped) Fresh herbs (of your choice) Spices (curry, paprika, marjoram etc) Spinach (chopped) Ingredients measurements have been omitted. Left to your discretion Method In a pan lightly sauté onions.   Add tuna and rest of ingredients, taking care not to let raisins burn.   Add spinach at the end.   Stir well, remove from fire and place in serving dish. Serving Suggestions: ·          Pasta “invaded” by butternut squash and broccoli ·          Calypso veggies (cucumber and tomato) ·          Served with “jazzy lemonade” (spiked with drink crystals or syrup) Corn missing from photo of dish because …I forgot (Oops!) ©Kerina Hall

What's Underneath? (#16)

Many years ago, someone (who shall remain nameless) did the unspeakable.   She, in a moment of “fun” snatched the hat from the head of a friend. The sight which greeted everyone was equally unspeakable and caused much laughter.   Oh, the thoughtlessness of youth! But this anecdote, amusing as it is, should drive us to question what is underneath the façade we present to the public gaze. We may be skilled artistes, or other professionals, but who are we underneath?   Are our lives guided by what I call the intangibles - the moral values such as integrity, honesty, compassion, etc.? These values add depth to what we do.   So we are not just talented money-making machines, but people with heart and soul. I like what 1Corinthians 13:1, 2 (Good News Translation) says: “I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching

Devotion! Devotion! Devotion! (#14)

Where does inspiration come from?   The Holy Spirit. When does inspiration come?   At various times.   Mainly during my devotion time. There is something special about this time with God.   It is when God has your complete attention and He just reveals Himself to you in various ways. Many of my poems have been written after reading inspiring passages of scripture.   It is also where I’ve gotten the ideas for songs – sometimes both lyrics and melody!   I’ve even gotten ideas for my blog posts during my devotion time. Devotion is also the time where you focus on, and pray about, not just your needs, but the needs of others; situations you are concerned about; and things in your life you are convicted about. It is really not to be missed.   For anyone in any kind of ministry it is a “must.” Yes, devotion is where it’s at! ©Kerina Hall