What Will It Cost You? (#146)

Once, a lady with a jar of exquisitely smelling perfume walked into a room where supper was being served.

What she did next was amazing and memorable.  She broke the seal and pored the entire contents over the head of a man seated at the table.

Soon the fragrance filled the whole room.  Some of those at the table were outraged and wondered why she wasted this precious perfume, saying the money spent on it could have been given to the poor.

Now here is the man’s priceless reply:

”Leave her alone, why berate her for doing such a good thing to me?  You will always have the poor among you, and you can help them whenever you want to.  But I will not be here with you much longer.  She has done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of the time…”

This man of course was Jesus Christ who in a matter of days would be crucified.
Suffice to say everything valuable has a price.  The woman in the story bought an expensive jar of perfume to show her love and appreciation for Jesus.

Jesus Himself gave his precious life for mankind.  He was sinless, and undeserving of death, yet chose to give up His life for us.

What a cost.

What will it cost you to accept Him?

©Kerina Hall


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