All Hail King Jesus! (#144)

Palm Sunday has and will always be special for me.  It is the prelude to the dramatic events of what we refer to as Holy Week.

I’ve always enjoyed the celebratory atmosphere of Palm Sunday Services.  And it continues to remind me that our Lord Jesus Christ is King of Kings.  So I never tire of reading the account of His Triumphal Ent

ry into Jerusalem.

The poem below was written after reading my husband’s upcoming article for the “His World Agenda” column in Monday’s edition of Barbados Today.

Another Song?
We ride with Him into Jerusalem
Feeling the heat of the day;
Noting with joy the palm leaves
Strewn all along the way.

We hear the shouts of people
As they hail their king;
And the shouts of “Hosanna”
Is what they now proclaim.

But could it be a few days later
They are singing another song?
A song called “Crucify Him!”
Where did we all go wrong?

Do have a wonderful Palm Sunday and Holy Week.  May Jesus always be King of your life.  All hail King Jesus!

©Kerina Hall


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