Fruit That Remains! (#149)

“…I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain…” (John 15:16a KJV).

Fruit bearing is an interesting phenomenon.  First comes the blossoms, then the fruit appears!

The other day while looking through my window I was surprised to see one small sugar apple on the tree.  And as I looked closer I saw blossoms and other small fruits.

When did this happen?

It seems the other day – not so long ago – the leaves were dry.  Now all those have fallen off, and been replaced with green leaves.

As is the case with fruit trees some of the blossoms and fruit will fall to the ground, but some will remain.  Those that do will mature into fruit ready to be picked.

The verse above tells us that we were anointed and appointed by God to bear fruit which has value, and which will be of service to others.

When we are conscious of this fact we will use our God-given abilities in service for Him and so bring others into His kingdom.

©Kerina Hall


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