Riding the Waves of God’s Will (#142)

One of the benefits of living on a Caribbean island is the pleasure and excitement of constant access to the beach.

Often, I've watched in fascination the play of the waves coming in and petering out in powered foam along the shoreline.  Also fascinating is seeing objects being carried to and fro, up and down, on the waves.

I've been thinking recently that when we place our lives totally at God’s disposal, we are really doing what’s best for our lives.

Yes, there are ups and downs; places we never dreamed of going; things we never imagined doing, and all of it resounds to His glory!

As Christians we live the sacrificed life.  A life where we put all of our gifts, time and all we have at God’s disposal.

Yes, we ride the waves of God’s will, going in the direction He purposes for us to go and accomplishing His mission for our lives.

What a ride!

©Kerina Hall


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