Leave Something For Heaven! (#138)

There’s a cliché that says some Christians are so heavenly minded they are no earthly good.

I can appreciate the acid truth of this statement, especially when we behave like the Thessalonians – who just sat around and waited for Christ’s return.

Haven’t we read in the Scriptures our Lord's admonition?  “Occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13).

We must be actively involved in winning the lost for Christ.

But you know, the converse of the cliché is also true.  That is, some Christians are so earthly minded and no heavenly good.

Many have invested so much in this world.  They are well educated, and well off through investments and ownership of “houses and lands.”  Alas, these things have made them feel secure.

How sad, indeed.

They have forgotten to leave something for heaven!

©Kerina Hall


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