Rest for the Righteous (#141)

“…My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest” (Exodus 33:14).

There is a popular saying which states “There is no rest for the wicked.”

We often say this in jest, but how true it really is.  Evil thoughts and actions always cause anxiety.

But why not let us turn this saying around so that it says something positive:  “There is much rest for the righteous.”  Take for example, an aspect in the life of that great man Moses – the friend of God.

In Chapter 33:13 Moses asks God for help in his leadership task.  It is wonderful to read that God responded immediately.  He assured Moses that His presence will be with him, and rest will be the result!

What does it mean to have God’s presence with us?  Well, it means we have a ready audience with God at all times.  It means we have divine assurance of God’s favour, His protection, and His provision.  We also know for sure that He will guide us where He wants us to go.  Psalms 46:1 tells us that “God…is a very present help in trouble.”

What situation are you facing presently?  Cry out to God and hear His words of comfort – the promise of His presence and of His rest.

©Kerina Hall


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