In the Morning (#136)

Morning means a lot to us, doesn’t it?

It means hope, renewal, a chance to start over again.

After the darkness of night which symbolizes fear and pain, morning is seen as a welcome relief from the “horrors” of the night.

Alas, sometimes morning seems so far away.  It seems as if trials are never-ending.
But that is just a perception; a momentary response to prolonged pain.

Morning will come.  It will!

The Bible assures us that “weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).

But how will it happen?

Sometimes we have what I call “prefect problems.”  Problems that seem impossible to solve and finding a way out is a recipe for stress!

But God has the solution.  I have seen Him find unique and creative ways to solve problems; ways I would never have thought of.

But, that’s the kind of God He is – unique, creative, powerful!

So I encourage you to trust Him; to call on Him.  And while you are processing your pain remember, “Joy [is coming] in the morning.”

“Hallelujah for the joy!”

©Kerina Hall


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