Choosing Faith (#135)

I was asleep when it happened.

An earthquake made its presence known on Tuesday February 18 at approximately 5:27 a.m.  It registered 6.5 on the Richter scale.

I only found out about it later on Facebook.  I was not the only one; others were just as surprised to learn about it.

Well, what next?

Made me realize how vulnerable we are.  We are no match for the forces of nature.  The thing about earthquakes is that you cannot forecast their arrival!

All we can do is observe safety precautions after they occur.

You know as human beings we exist at the mercies of God; as I said before we are vulnerable.

And so I choose to put myself in God’s hands, instead of giving into fear of the unknown.  To do otherwise is to live a life controlled by fear and the “what-ifs.”

Yes, I will be aware of, and practice the necessary safety measures, but I choose to live by faith.

©Kerina Hall


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