A Special Kind of Love (#131)

Love is in the air!

Next Friday will be Valentine’s Day, the day set aside for the celebration of love. Many will be wearing the tradition red and white clothing.

Really, everyday should be a celebration of love.  Others need to know that we care always, not just on Valentine’s Day.

So who do you love today?  Your husband, wife, parents, children, friends?  What about your enemies?


Now that takes a special kind of love. That kind of love is an act of the will; it transcends feelings.

Imagine loving someone who has done you some wrong.

As I said before, that takes a special kind of love.

It takes the love of God in our hearts to achieve this.  We give Him the hurt and pain, and He frees us up and releases us so that we can love those persons who are against us.

There is no better example of this kind of love than John 3:16.  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

May God help us to love everyone with His love.

©Kerina Hall


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