When Everything Shakes (# 87)

As I read recently of an earthquake in St. Vincent (a minor one) and as I recalled other minor ones in the Caribbean recently I can’t help but be aware of biblical prophecy about earthquakes in “diverse places.”

Indeed there are not only physical quakes, but spiritual and moral ones as well.  It seems as if every aspect of life is being shaken.  The more we listen to the news the more we are aware of this:

The grisly murders we hear about, children who are suffering as result of abuse, the political unrest in Syria – in the entire Middle East, for that matter; not to mention the world’s economic instability, and on and on.

Let’s face it – we are being shaken.  When we contemplate all this, there is insecurity.

So in what or in whom do we trust?

I don’t know about you but my hope and security is in the Lord Jesus Christ and His words in St. John 16:33 “...Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (NLT).

There has to be something beyond this natural world we can look forward to.

And there is – there is an Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (present everywhere), and Omniscient (all knowing) God the Father, who loves us and has our past, present and future in His hands.  And He is working out everything for our good.

That’s my resting place, my security when everything shakes!

©Kerina Hall


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