God's Help In Adversity (# 86)

“In one desperate day 
his possessions were lost,
His children were all killed
in one raw holocaust.”

  -  Song writer,  Michael Card

It was one of those days.  I had planned to go out.  It was raining but still I was hopeful.  Then it happened – a prolonged period of heavy thunder and lightning.

Not being a thunder and lightning person I knew this was a day at home.  So much for that!

It is in these times of intense weather that we – at least I – realize just how much we are at the mercy of nature.

With all of the “stuff” we have acquired, it just takes one of the forces of nature to unravel everything.

It reminds me of Job who lost everything in a short space of time.  He was truly a victim of adverse circumstances.

And the “if-I-could-I-would” mentality is pointless; we cannot always know when adversity will occur.

However, we can be sure that God will always be there.  He will always help us through these difficult times.

So rain is no problem to God.  After all, He created it.

©Kerina Hall


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