Time Gambler (# 83)

Are you a gamble?

Before you answer this question in the negative, please hear me out.  A gambler in the strictest sense of the word is someone who plays games of chance – like the lotteries.

This may not be you.  But there are other types of gambling, such as gambling with time or opportunities.

Now how did I get on this philosophical road?  Well, recently I was reading – would you believe it – Matthew chapter one, which gives the record of Jesus’ ancestry.
As I read through the list certain names triggered stories about the various individuals.  For example, Abraham – the man who was called the friend of God.  He was prepared to sacrifice his son in obedience to God.  This of course, was merely a test, which he passed successfully.

When I came to the names of ‘Boaz’ and ‘Ruth’ I recalled that theirs was a story of romance, redemption and God’s providential care (I was trying for alliteration but…!)

Conversely, when I came across the name ‘Uzziah’ I recounted that he was the king who was punished because of his pride.

Now I wonder, what would happen if our history and genealogy were recorded for posterity?  When someone in the future comes across our name what kind of memory will it trigger – a positive or negative one?

Many times there is a lot of good that we can do but we procrastinate.  A lot of situations are calling, begging for our helpful input.  But… we procrastinate, thinking, “I’ll do that tomorrow or next week…sometime.”

We gamble with time, forgetting that the next minute is not promised us.  We don’t have control of time.

So let’s stop gamble with time but use it wisely.  As Galatians 5:15, 16 say:

“So be careful how you live, not as fools but as those who are wise.  Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days” (Ephesians 5:15, 16. NLT).

©Kerina Hall


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