House Blessing (# 84)

“And now, may it please you to bless the house of your servant, so that it may continue forever before you. For you have spoken, and when you grant a blessing to your servant, O Sovereign Lord, it is an eternal blessing!” (2 Samuel 7:29, NLT).

I just love this verse; in fact, entire chapter.

It was written in response to God’s promise to David to build him a spiritual, eternal house.  Translated, this meant that David would have a dynasty of kings after him on the throne of Israel.  And what’s more, it also meant the coming of the King of Kings – Jesus Christ – in the lineage of David.  What a blessing!

How did this blessing come about?  David had the grand idea to build a physical house for the Ark of the Covenant, which denoted the very presence of God.

However, God told David that He would build him a house which would last forever!

What about us?  Have we identified how God has blessed our families now and in previous generations?

Some of us are blessed with musical ability, some with business acumen and others with various skills.

Well, how are you using that blessing to serve your generation?

And how are you passing it on to the next?


©Kerina Hall

(Check a blog to which I am affiliated, His World Digital)


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