Time to Look Up (#60)

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
 the Maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:1,2).

Is life getting you down?  Well I would suggest it’s time to look up.
It’s also time to change your perspective.  Keeping your gaze on the horizontal can be wearying and depressing.  And what’s on the horizon?  Persistent problems that seem to be stuck in concrete!  We all have them.  How we wish they would go away.
Well, from reading Psalm 121 I’ve discovered that there is relief from such problems, and it’s found in looking to God.
This Psalm is realistic.  The relief is not in the removal of the problem, but in the protection from the effects of the problem.
It tells us in vv3-7 that God is a protector or “keeper” and He will offer us protection 24/7.
We will be protected from the damaging effects of external forces – sun and moon (v6).  We can’t stop the sun but we can wear sun-block!
As v7 tells us, we will be protected from the effects of evil in whatever form in manifests itself.  Just fill in the blanks... Yes, you have protection from that!
Then v8 rounds off the psalm by affirming that you will have everlasting protection in “your coming and going.”  Now what insurance policy can deliver this coverage?
So remember, when life gets you down its time to look up to God.
©Kerina Hall


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