Beautiful…But Harmful! (#58)

An army of beautiful creatures converged on my tree.  However, their activity was less than beautiful.  They were, as we say in Barbados, “tearing loose in” (destroying) my tree.

This is an eyewitness account: I actually saw one ‘gobbling’ up a leaf!  Yes, it happened before my very eyes.
These beautiful creatures had to be destroyed.  So, armed with a bottle of fungicide, I launched an aerial attack after dawn next day.
Now the new leaves have started to appear at the base of the tree.
This incident reminds me of the allure of the forbidden.  Yes, sin may seem beautiful, inviting.  But like those creatures it is harmful, very harmful.  The Bible says it succinctly.  For the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23)  In other words, there is a payday coming.
If you indulge in sinful actions you will be rewarded in kind.  For example, people who indulge in risky behavior put their lives in jeopardy.  It has been shown that habitual smoking can lead to cancer.  The abuse of alcohol can result in cancer of the liver.  So the good sensation which is experienced is hardly worth the risk to one’s health and life.
But the verse quoted above end with a positive phrase: “…but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
So there is help for anyone who wants to be free from the harmful effects of sin.  Just accept the free gift of salvation which Jesus offers.
© Kerina Hall


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