In Company With Caleb: A Different Spirit (#15)

Being different is not always viewed in a positive light.  (And all the creative people out there say “Amen!”)

Difference can sometimes be viewed as very negative.  If you are a professional delinquent such as a seasoned criminal or some other law breaker, that is not a good and acceptable difference.  I suggest you find legitimate employment.

The difference I refer to is one which leads you to live a life pleasing to God; where your distinctiveness comes from pursuing good and avoiding evil in whatever form it presents itself.

In Numbers 14:24 listen to God’s testimony of someone with a different attitude:

“But my servant Caleb, because he had another [different] spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it.

This is a difference to be celebrated.

But what made Caleb different?  He, along with Joshua believed God and was able to do what He had promised – bring them to the Promised Land, their inheritance.

To get to your Promised Land, fulfill your dreams, and do whatever ministry God has given you, you need to believe in and listen to God – not the negative voices around you.

So, start and keep walking the walk of faith.  You are in good company – with Caleb.

©Kerina Hall


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