Seeking God (#57)

Elections in Barbados have come and gone.
One X next to one name in one day has caused one party to retain the reins of government for one five-year term, and the other to remain in opposition.
Such is the power of democracy; and when we lose the privilege to exercise freedom of choice as seen in the right to vote we are in serious trouble.
One of the troubling and lingering concerns, however, is the disillusionment of our young people.  This has resulted in some of them abstaining from exercising their democratic right.  They cite broken promises by politician as the major reason for abstaining.
Despite reminders about the fact that this privilege was denied their fore-parents they remain quite adamant.  Broken promises, double-speaking and a perceived insincerity may have become features of the politico in some cases.
However, this point to the need for someone or something greater for which our young people are seeking.  Something of lasting value that they can believe in.
Could it be that they are really seeking the kingdom of heaven?  A living reality, replete with a government which has always has its constituents at heart?  Where there is peace and goodwill and a larger-than-life purpose which they can invest in and wrap their lives around? Using their gifts and talents in service of mankind?
Could it be they are seeking fulfillment and a high which cannot be attained by the use of illegal drugs, sex, money or any material things?  Could it be they are seeking a real Father who will always be there?  Always accepting who they are?  Could it be they are seeking a community of believers who are real?  A community of sisters, brothers and friends?
Could it be they are seeking God?
©Kerina Hall


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