Present Continuous Praise (#38)

“ By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name” (Hebrews 13:15 KJV).
This page has expired!”One of the most frustrating messages to encounter on the internet when you are doing research.  It just takes the wind out of your sails!

Usually after this, you are encouraged to try various options, one of which is to refresh the page.

This has led me to think about our testimonies of what God has done for us.  I’m convinced that they could do with some “refreshing” as well. 

So often we testify in the past tense – “God did this for me,” or in the present perfect – “God has done.”  But what about updating our testimony to the present continuous?  What has God started and is continuing to do now?
We serve a God who is dynamic and in constant motion.  He is always working in our lives to achieve His good purposes.
Even in adverse situations, you can be sure God is at work behind the scenes to bring about our deliverance, and to increase our faith and trust in Him.
So what is God doing now in your life?  What process can you see taking place?  Think about it.  Talk about it.  Share your journey with others.  So they too will be inspired by your present continuous praise.
©Kerina Hall


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