Outer or Inner Beauty? (#40)

Celebrity worship is prevalent today.  But celebrities are human beings whose talents have catapulted them into the limelight.

While we can admire talent and skill we would do well to remember that God alone is worthy of our worship.

He alone is perfect and not prone to human failings.  Many are surprised to know that celebrities like the rest of us are “cranky,” have family issues, have bad days, moral failings, etc.

Let’s face it (pun intended).  Make up works wonders; and along with attractive clothes can improve our appearance significantly.

But no amount of cosmetics or attractive attire can hide who we are underneath.

You see, Jesus is concerned about the real “us,” not the camera “us,” but the person underneath the façade.

He wants to beautify us with His grace.

Being beautiful inside is so much better than outer beauty.  The latter fades with time, and is subject to wrinkles, cellulite, etc.

But inner beauty is eternal.  Which do you prefer?

©Kerina Hall


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