Hope for the Hopeless (#39)

 “The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. (Lamentations 3:24, KJV).

Whenever I read or hear of someone who has committed suicide I am always deeply saddened.  Because it meant for that person all hope was gone; there was no reason to live.

Let’s be honest here.  We all have problems from time to time.  And for some, chronic suffering is a reality.

Usually during the period of suffering there is the feeling of hopelessness and I would add, helplessness; the feeling that things are not going to change.

If this is your reality right now, please know that is an illusion.  I’m sure you will agree with me that feelings can be deceptive and very often cannot be trusted.

And, how do you know that your situation will not improve?  God can “change your circumstance.” (Please see post “When God Changes Your Circumstance,” May 12, 2012 in His World Digital Blog.)

I believe in hope - hope in God that is.  I believe that He is in control of every situation I face.  I believe that no matter what I am seeing and experiencing that God has more good things in store for me (Jeremiah 29:11).

You see, hope lifts us above present circumstances; it helps us to soar above problems.  It gives us life, excitement and is a real tonic like no other. 

Yes, you will experience “down” moments but just reading and believing God’s promises will lift you up again.

That’s the power of faith and confidence in a God who is in control and greater than your problems.  He gives the grace to cope with whatever situation you face.  There is indeed hope for the hopeless in Jesus Christ.

©Kerina Hall


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