More Than Talent (#37)

“The son of Jesse is a talented harp player.  Not only that, he is brave and strong and has good judgment.  He is also a fine-looking young man, and the Lord is with him” (1Samuel 16:18 NLT).

Some years ago I came across a magazine article in which someone was coveting the best features of various celebrities.  The person wanted a celebrity’s lips, her hair etc…”

What an exercise in futility!  In contrast the Bible tells us rather, to “covet earnestly the best [spiritual] gifts.”

I would also like to suggest that we should desire the best characteristics or traits of someone, instead of  their features.

Just take a look at the verse above.  What is there in that list of attributes that appeal to you?  Is it talent, bravery, good judgment, good looks, or God’s favour?

These attributes are indeed impressive, but what’s more, they show that success goes beyond mere talent, ability or good looks.  It also involves character.
For me, the most important attribute is the last one: “the Lord is with him.”
God with us means there is nothing we can’t achieve.  Mountains become plains; enemies are silenced; dreams materialize; and the impossible becomes possible.
©Kerina Hall


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